  • Bones

    These pieces are created from bones combined with different objects, which I have bought in antique shops, most of them being more than a century old. These very interesting instruments, in spite of having been manufactured using less advanced production techniques than the current ones, are of unquestionable quality, they are manufactured of the finest materials, by the best professionals and craftsmen, besides their aesthetic appearance which is primarily functional as their usability is more important than their form, which makes them a reliable and durable, that would allow their continued use in spite of their age. It would be a pity if such beautiful pieces that have been removed from our lives by others that are mass produced, of low cost and short-lived, should end up being hidden in the drawers of some nostalgic collector, or covered in dust in the showcases of some antique shop, so I have decided to bring them back into the light of day with a new use, now they are pieces of jewelry, that are worth using. I am interested in giving new life to pieces that have ceased to be useful in regards to the purpose for which they were created, but that still have much formal interest, especially when taken out of context. They are not meant to be pieces of jewelry to use, but small objects of art, with a somewhat macabre appearance. ........ Esta serie ha sido creada con huesos combinados con diferentes objetos que he ido comprando en tiendas de antiguedades y tienen más de un siglo de existencia. Estos interesantísimos instrumentos, a pesar de haber sido fabricados con técnicas de producción menos avanzadas que las actuales, poseen una calidad incuestionable, están fabricadas con los mejores materiales, por los mejores profesionales y artesanos, además su apariencia estética es eminentemente funcional ya que en ellas se antepone el uso a la forma, lo que les confiere una fiabilidad y durabilidad, que permitiría seguir usándolas a pesar de los años. Sería una pena que piezas tan bellas y que han sido apartadas de nuestra vida por otras de fabricados en serie, bajo coste y mínima duración, deban quedar ocultas en los cajones de algún nostálgico coleccionista, o llenas de polvo en las vitrinas de algún anticuario por lo que he decidido sacarlas de nuevo la luz con nuevo uso, ahora son piezas de joyería, que merece la pena usar....